Saturday, May 8, 2010

Michael Jackson's This Is It (2009)

In June 2009, the world faced the death of the greatest iconic people ever to have lived. His title was known as the King of Pop. Michael Jackson died from a cardiac arrest and united the world by the grief of the inspirational music icon that changed the lives of many people. Michael Jackson was the inspirations of such pop artists today such as Lady GaGa, Beyonce, Mariah Carey, Madonna, and Ludacris. And millions of people were waiting to see Michael Jackson perform in his last concert in the O2 of London: This Is It. Then on October 28th, the footage of Michael Jackson rehearsing for the highly anticipated concert was released in Michael Jackson's This Is It. In full honesty, I was expecting the movie to be not all that impressive or magical as his music videos or live concerts were but I was totally wrong. Even when Michael Jackson was not dancing with his 100% self but, even so, the magic and skill of Michael Jackson was indeed there. Dancing and singing to our favorites songs, it was an amazing and entertaining movie. Those who are a Michael Jackson fans must see this movie as a last tribute to the great King of Pop. Watching the movie makes me believe that he is actually alive and still dancing. Makes you want to cry by the end of the movie. Applause for Michael Jackson. I give it a 90 out of 100 both as a movie and as a Michael Jackson fan.